TechFacial Recognition: Threat Vs. Student Privacy? NY Schools May Be Sued Over $3 million worth of facial recognition system is being scrutinized, with New York schools being threatened of a lawsuit over student staff reporter
TechRepublicans are Pushing Tech Giants Like Facebook to Allow Access to Encrypted Data With New Billby Nhx T.
Tech[Anti-Virus Update] Microsoft's Defender ATP Antivirus First Version Now Available on Android and All Linux Usersby Giuliano J. de Leon
Tech[HACKERS] Microsoft Identifies Cyberattackers Linked to Iran, Cracking Cloud Password to Gain Full Control Over a Networkby Giuliano J. de Leon
TechHacktivist Group Anonymous Stole the BlueLeaks Collection from 200 Police Departments, Released by DDoSecretsby Nhx T.
TechBEWARE: New Malware Attacks Mac Users Using Google Search Results, Becoming Undetectableby Giuliano J. de Leon
TechGoogle Chrome Removed Malicious Extensions Used in Payrolls, Emails, and Other Sensitive Functionsby Nhx T.
Tech[BREAKING] Massive Cyberattack Targets Australian Government and Businesses; How to Protect Yourself From Foreign Hackersby Giuliano J. de Leon
Tech[BREAKING] FBI Tracks Philadelphia Protester Using Instagram, Charges Her With Arson of Police Carsby Giuliano J.