TechApple Watch Can Soon Detect Your Blood Oxygen Levels and Irregreular Heartbeats. Here's How. Apple is currently working on a new feature on their watches that can not only detect irregular heartbeats but blood oxygen levels as Christine Roger
HealthCONFIRMED Coronavirus Disinfectant Brands: Clorox, Lysol, Purell, and Others Verified to Kill COVID-19by Jamie P.
HealthCoronavirus Spreads Whenever You Do This Everyday Routine-- It Gets Worse if You're Inside Men's Bathroomby Jamie P.
HealthExperts Cry Fraud Over Televangelist Jim Bakker's ‘Coronavirus Cure’ Named ‘Silver Solution’by Christine Roger
TechStudy Finds Coronavirus Can Survive on Smartphones for Up to a Week But Cleaning Them With Alcohol is a Big No!by Christine Roger
HealthFACE MASKS INCREASE RISK OF CORONAVIRUS! Surgeon General Warns of Unnecessary use of Face Masksby Urian B.
HealthCruise Ship Quarantine Culminate in More Coronavirus Patients Four Times Higher Than in Any of the Worst Infected Areas in Chinaby Christine Roger
HealthCDC Says Choosing the Right Men's Facial Hairstyle Coud Save You From Coronavirus COVID-19by Urian B.