'Game of Thrones' fans win elaborate wedding; marry as Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen

British video-on-demand service Blinkbox made the dreams of a pair of "Game of Thrones" super-fans come true. Darren Prew and his fiancee Kerry Ford were married at a no-expense-spared wedding themed around the popular fantasy series.

Prew was dressed as Jon Snow while Ford got decked out as Daenerys Targaryen, complete with a beautiful, handmade blue dress. Their friends and family got to join in on the fun as well, with elaborate costumes and makeup to transform them into various characters from the show.

The wedding (thankfully not a red one) took place at Eastnor Castle near Ledbury, England, lending the proceedings authentically gothic surroundings. There were horses, Direwolves, broadswords and at least one bow-and-arrow.

The wedding was the grand prize in a contest held by Blinkbox that was entered by hundreds of fans. Professional makeup artists and costumers spent more than 50 man-hours to transform the 12-member wedding party into residents of Westeros. Best man Mike McKeown received probably the most extreme head-to-toe makeover, becoming a vicious-looking White Walker.

Maid of Honor (or "Best Woman," as Brits call them) Carey McKeown was dressed as Wildling woman Ygritte. The bride's parents, Terry and Sue Ford, were transformed into Hodor, the simple servant of House Stark, and the "red witch" Melisandre, respectively. The groom's mother, June Thurston, became Lady Catelyn Stark, and his sister, Samantha Crump, was turned into the fierce warrior Brienne of Tarth.

In an interesting role-reversal, the groom's brother-in-law Brian Crump had to don the most revealing costume, going shirtless as the Dothraki leader Khal Drogo.

Bride Kerry Ford surprised wedding guests by arriving on a white horse, while groom Darren Prew emerged from trees surrounding the castle with two huge dogs on leashes, standing in as Direwolves. Ford also contributed to the festivities by using her real-life skills as a cake maker to create an intricate, five-tier wedding cake. Each tier was themed around a different aspect of "Game of Thrones." The cake reportedly took two weeks to finish.

"It [was] comprised of each of the 'Game of Thrones' houses, then there are the wedding vows from 'Game of Thrones,'" said Ford, "King Joffrey's crown made out of chocolate, and topped with the famous iron throne. It was almost a shame to see it eaten. I changed my mind over the design of this cake so many times. It's the most important cake I'll ever make."

After the wedding, the couple cut the cake with a four-foot-long broadsword.

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