Learn All About Charisma In The Latest 'Fallout 4' SPECIAL Video

Until now, Vault-Tec's S.P.E.C.I.A.L. educational materials have focused more on winning a fight than anything else. Strength to help hit harder, Perception to keep one's aim true and Endurance to stay healthy: while there are plenty of applications for all of these attributes, they mostly benefit those who are willing to get into a scrap to settle an argument. Don't worry: that doesn't mean there isn't something for those who wish to avoid confrontations if possible!

Charisma is a funny thing: while it influences quite a bit of wasteland survival, it rarely comes to the surface. It's a subtle trait - new conversations and interactions may appear to those with a silver tongue, but those without may never notice. Don't let the subtlety of Charisma fool you, though, this is one trait you don't want to miss out on.

Just take a look at the latest informational guide from Vault-Tec: it explains everything you'd ever need to know about Charisma, from handling your drinks to domesticating the wildlife of the wasteland:

As you can see, Charisma is an important part of survival: if you want to live alongside your fellow man once the Vault doors open, you best make sure that you're up to snuff when it comes to conversation. Having strong Charisma can open up quite a few doors - and it'll likely get you out of a few fights, too!

That being said, it looks like Charisma will have a bigger role than ever before: aside from just talking your way past the guards or keeping those nasty chems under control, it seems like a strong enough Charisma may help you 'convince' others to fight on your behalf - and that's not including the companions you've already got at your side.

Charisma's definitely an important factor in wasteland survival, but don't forget about the other attributes: namely Strength, Perception and Endurance!

Fallout 4 hits store shelves on Nov. 15.

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