The Latest 'Fallout 4' SPECIAL Video Is All About Perception

When it comes to Fallout 4's S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system, some traits stand out more than others. Sure, being healthy and agile is important, but those stats are nowhere near as flashy as lugging around 300 pounds of equipment or seducing a member of the fairer sex. However, that doesn't mean Strength or Charisma is more important than Endurance or Agility — when it comes to being S.P.E.C.I.A.L., every stat is just as important as the last.

Perception is no exception to the rule, either: sure, it won't immediately change the game like some of the other S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats, but Perception doesn't simply focus on one area in particular. Surviving the harsh, post-apocalyptic wasteland isn't easy — but, if you pay attention to your Perception stat, you'll have a lot more freedom in how you go about exploring the world.

So, how exactly will you use Perception out in the field? Well, the folks over at Vault-Tec have put together another educational training video for their series on S.P.E.C.I.A.L., and – you guessed it – the latest video is all about Perception!

It just goes to show that whereas Perception may not be the flashiest S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat out there, it's easily one of the most flexible. Sure, keeping the five senses healthy and ready for action is great, but who'd have thought that Perception could be used for something like targeting enemies or picking pockets? Plus, knowing about danger before it knows about you is one of the most important aspects of surviving the wasteland — and, you guessed it, that's part of Perception!

Of course, Perception is only the second stat of seven, meaning there's still a lot of ground to cover! If you happened to miss the video on Strength, don't worry — you can take a look at Vault-Tec's first education video on on S.P.E.C.I.A.L. right here.

Most importantly, don't be caught off-guard when the Vault doors finally open: Fallout 4 debuts on November 15!

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