'Arrow Season 4': Oliver's New Costume Revealed At Comic-Con

Fans attending San Diego Comic-Con 2015 got a first look at Oliver Queen's new costume for Season 4 of Arrow during the Warner Bros. TV panel Saturday.

After having spent part of Season 3 donning a dark leather-studded outfit as part of the League of Assassins, Oliver will be looking more like his old self for Season 4 but with a twist. The new costume will make Oliver look more like the Arrow we know and love. However, with more leather, studs and some textured epaulets, this new costume will give Oliver more of an edge next season, which is appropriate considering the drama he went through in Season 3.

The new suit is also noticeably short-sleeved, giving a peek of Oliver's muscles for a show that never seems to miss an opportunity to show off actor Stephen Amell's body. However, as IGN points out, the new Arrow costume more closely resembles Oliver's look from DC Comics' New 52, so that seems to be likely inspiration for the change, although giving viewers something good to look at never hurts.

Maya Mani designed the new Arrow costume. She also designed the suits for other characters on the show, including Arsenal (Colton Haynes), Black Canary (Katie Cassidy), Speedy (Willa Holland) and Ray Palmer’s A.T.O.M. (Brandon Routh).

Here's the first official photo of Arrow's new costume.

Hopefully, this new costume will help Oliver take on recently-announced baddie Damien Darhk to be played by Neal McDonough in Season 4. It certainly does look like Oliver is preparing for battle.

Comic-Con attendees were also treated to this highlight reel of Season 3 of Arrow, which you can watch below. Unfortunately, it's not a trailer for Season 4 of the show, but it should at least get you ready for the new season before it premieres Oct. 7 on The CW.

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