Green Lantern: Chris Pine Set To Become Hal Jordan And Not Steve Trevor?

It seems we have been deceived by rumors that claimed Chris Pine would become Steve Trevor in Wonder Woman. Apparently, he could very well be the next Green Lantern (Hal Jordan).

If this is the case, then it would make perfect sense. Chris Pine is too much of a star to settle for a secondary role in a movie where he would likely never get the chance to play a huge role in the overall DC Cinematic Universe.

The rumors claim the Wonder Woman standalone movie will take place back the era of World War II, so by modern times, Steve Trevor is likely a dead or very old man, and would have nothing to offer.

Latino Review claims that the rumor about Chris Pine running for the Steve Trevor role was likely released by Warner Bros. to throw the Internet off. This could be true since, for quite some time, we've been hearing talks of Pine becoming the next Green Lantern.

At the end of the day though, if Pine truly ends up being Steve Trevor, then it would be great for the Wonder Woman movie. You see, Gal Gadot is not a well-known actress capable of carrying a movie by herself. She needs a co-star who possesses the stuff to bring more people to the movies.

Warner Bros. could be making a similar move to when Marvel brought in Natalie Portman for Thor because, at the time, Chris Hemsworth was a relatively unknown actor. However, if this is the case, Warner should make sure the film doesn't feel like a movie about Steve Trevor because the first Thor felt more like a Jane Foster movie than anything else.

The Green Lantern movie is not set to hit theaters until 2020. However, the character is expected to show up in other films before then, so if Pine gets the job, it shouldn't take very long before we get the first glimpse of him in costume.

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