'Hannibal' Season Three Teaser Reveals Upcoming 'Red Dragon' Storyline

There are few shows on television quite as dark as Hannibal. Granted, the source material is rather morbid (Silence of the Lambs isn't exactly a light-hearted film), but even with that in mind, the show's on an entirely different level from most other TV dramas. That being said, it's not the gore that keeps people watching - it's the intrigue, the mystery that keeps fans coming back for more.

Yes, the fact that the main character is a cannibalistic murderer is important, but there's also the mystery and chilling storytelling that keeps the show from feeling like a low-budget B-grade horror movie.

And, while many shows are content to settle into a groove for their third season, Hannibal is trying something different. Yes, Season 3 will continue the storyline of Hannibal, Will Graham and the rest of the cast - but nearly everything else about the show is changing. It's far from just more of the same. And while it's definitely a risky move, it's one that could keep an already arresting series feeling fresh.

With just a few weeks left before the third season premieres, NBC is giving fans a behind-the-scenes look at Hannibal...and a taste of what's to come.

The big story here is the Red Dragon reveal: while many considered the film adaptation to be the weakest of the series, fans of the books cite Red Dragon as one of the best. For fans of both the novels and the TV series, the appearance of the Red Dragon could be huge - with any luck, the show will continue to do Thomas Harris' characters justice (though, Edward Norton will be missed).

There's always a chance that, when changing things up, older fans could end up feeling alienated. From what NBC has shown, it looks like the team knows what it can tweak and what should stay the same: for instance, changing the setting could add some extra variety to the show, but ditching the chemistry between Graham and Hannibal could be a disaster. With any luck, Hannibal will be able to walk the fine line between keeping things interesting and rewarding loyal fans.

Either way, it won't be long before fans can watch their favorite cannibal again: the third season of Hannibal is set to premiere on June 4.

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