'The Flash' Season 2: 5 Villains We Want To See Debut

Tonight may mark the end of the first season of The CW's The Flash, but we're already thinking ahead to season two, including which villains we'd like to see next season.

The series has already given us some rather iconic villains from The Flash comic book universe, including the Weather Wizard, Captain Cold, Reverse Flash and even Trickster. Add that to all the other villains we've seen this season, and it almost seems as if we're running out of bad guys.

However, thanks to its long history, the comic books still offer up a host of baddies for the Flash to outwit, outrun and beat up. And here's our list of some of our favorites we'd like to see on the series next season.

The Shade

The Shade is easily one of the most iconic of all villains from The Flash comics. He started out as a thief who used a cane to manipulate shadows. In later stories, he became immortal and one of the Flash's most feared foes. The Shade's ability allows him to channel the power of the Darklands, a fourth dimension of shadows that contains demons and allows him to travel anywhere quickly.

Albert Desmond/Doctor Alchemy

In DC Comics, Albert Desmond is a chemist with two separate personalities: basically, he's the comic book version of Jekyll and Hyde (or in this case, Albert and Alvin). Obviously, when he's Alvin, he uses his expertise in chemistry and creates weapons, such as a magnetic light that he uses to send the Flash into space. Alvin eventually discovers the Philosopher's Stone and becomes the villain Doctor Alchemy. At first, the switches between Albert's personalities are even, but eventually, Doctor Alchemy starts taking over more often.


One thing that the televised version of Central City needs more of is female villains and Blacksmith fits the bill. In the comics, Blacksmith steals an elixir that gives her the power to reshape metal and merge it with flesh. She could easily gain this ability, though, in the TV series, through the STAR Labs explosion that created all the metahumans. Eventually, Blacksmith creates another team of Rogues to terrorize the city.


Cicada's back story is definitely interesting enough for TV. He murdered his wife during a thunderstorm, but then regrets it and tries to take his own life. Instead, though, he's struck by lightning and has a vision that he's supposed to become immortal. He keeps himself alive through the years by transferring others' life forces to himself, sort of the opposite of what Eobard Thawne did to Dr. Harrison Wells on the TV series. Because he sees the Flash as someone blessed by lightning (which he holds sacred), he decides that his victims are those people who would have died had the Flash not saved them.

Mirror Master

In The Flash comics, The Mirror Master had several identities, but the first was Sam Scudder, a small time criminal. Eventually, though, he learned how to traverse the world of his own reflection through mirrors, enabling him to become a big time criminal instead. There were several other men who claimed the title of The Mirror Master, but we think Scudder fits the TV universe well, especially considering that in the new 52, he associated with Captain Cold, Heatwave and Weather Wizard, who have already appeared on the series.

[Photo Credit: DC Comics]

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