Many people dream about being on a game show, any game show, but especially Jeopardy!, Wheel of Fortune or say The Price is Right. Danielle Perez got that very chance back in March and her episode just aired. Not only did she make it to contestant's row, but she got that huge chance to win prizes too as Drew Carey revealed she was the closest without going over. What happened next? Well she won, she won BIG in fact. The only tiny, small, little detail is that she's in a wheelchair and won a treadmill! Yes, you read that right.
It definitely seems very wrong considering she'll never be able to actually use the exercise machine. The video of her whole experience went viral almost instantly with people flocking to Twitter to react to this bizarre course of game show events.
The Price is Right has definitely had its share of weirdness over the years, especially recently, from one of their models accidentally giving away a car to a contestant guessing WAY too high on how much a new iPhone 6 was and coincidentally to a previous treadmill fail, but this one definitely wins for biggest WTF by a landslide.
Watch how Danielle persevered and remained focused on winning throughout, in spite of the unfortunate prizes being offered.
Here's some of the tweets reacting to this unique situation, many which were retweeted by Danielle herself, @DivaDelux.
— Black People Vines (@BlackPpllVines) May 5, 2015
Comedian @DivaDelux won a treadmill on @ThePrice1sRight which was unfortunate but her hair looked great! — Punch Line (@punchlinesf) May 5, 2015
Everyone is talking about @DivaDelux winning a treadmill, but I'm also kinda confused about winning an entire sauna. — Evan J'daté Kessler (@EvanJKessler) May 5, 2015
What's The Most Cringeworthy Prize A Lady In A Wheelchair Can Win On ‘The Price Is Right?’ No, No, More Cringeworthy - — BroBible (@BroBible) May 5, 2015
Even with going through that strange televised moment, Perez, who has been wheelchair-bound since 2004, still kept a positive outlook and is really taking in all of the attention she is getting from both the press and social media in stride. She even changed her Twitter account's profile description to say "camera ready, ambiguously ethnic, woman in a wheelchair who just won a TREADMILL on The Price Is Right".
"Everyone at CBS seemed genuinely excited for me that I won.", Perez said to CNN after thinking the entire thing was really just a big joke.
when you win a treadmill on national TV, but you have no feet @DrewFromTV @PriceIsRight — Danielle Perez (@DivaDelux) May 5, 2015
So far Danielle has also been winning all over the Internet with her A+ sense of humor and :) !
@billmartinn winning a treadmill on national television with no feet got me like — Danielle Perez (@DivaDelux) May 5, 2015
@TonyTripoli As a woman in a wheelchair & a Latina, I live 4 awkward moments. I'm getting my life, knowing you're getting yours by loving me — Danielle Perez (@DivaDelux) May 6, 2015
@THR oh hey, I won a treadmill on TV and now I'm trending on FACEBOOK!!! — Danielle Perez (@DivaDelux) May 6, 2015
The awesome tweets from Danielle have been uplifting and fun to watch. She has spoken to many media outlets already including Gawker, Buzzfeed, and HuffPo. Plus, host Drew Carey being the class act that he is, retweeted Danielle offering his full support.
Love you RT @DivaDelux: @buzzerblog I won the treadmill and have been straight popping wheelies all morning
— Drew Carey (@DrewFromTV) May 5, 2015
CBS offically told People: "Every member of The Price is Right studio audience has a chance to be selected to play. Prizes are determined in advance of the show and are not decided based on the contestants." It was all just really unfortunate timing, but Danielle wholeheartedly disagrees: I've been smiling all day :)
But where's the fun in that? This is literally the best day of my life. I've been popping wheelies all day — Danielle Perez (@DivaDelux) May 6, 2015
This seems like perfect material to use in her comedy and she confirmed that she would do just that to Complex:
"Oh yeah, definitely. Remember that time I was on The Price is Right and won a treadmill? Yeah, my children are gonna hear that. My grandchildren are gonna hear that."
Danielle can be seen performing her comedy regularly in Los Angeles and maybe one day soon on SNL? She is a true pleasure and we'll be keeping our eyes open for future tweet pics showing off her new prizes.
8pm tonight @JonRowell @MadisonShepard & I are performing on GENTRIFICATION #keepcomedyalive #gentrificationcomedy
— Danielle Perez (@DivaDelux) April 25, 2015
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