Archer Season 6 Easter Egg Discovered By Redditors: Mind Boggling Job, Guys!

Something just didn't seem right to a redditor watching Archer's sixth season. The serial number on a double agent's badge appeared to be hexidecimal code, later confirmed, leading redditor aglidden and other Archer fans on an Easter egg hunt so intricate that they may be able to reference it on their resumes.

In the second episode of Archer's sixth season, the hex code was imprinted on agent Conway Stern's badge as his serial number. That code, when translated, pointed to a website.

Those interested in testing their own mettle can begin the own adventure here: "74 69 6e 79 2e 63 63 / 70 69 67 6c 79" or here: video.

Those uninterested in attempting to work their way through this highly elaborate Easter egg hunt can just check out the hunt's highlights on the thread on Reddit.

Starting the Chase

That hex code referenced above translates into "," which redirects visitors to the YouTube video linked above.

The YouTube video's title is encoded in base64 and translates into "tentacle." And the video's odd audio, when its spectrogram is analysed, generates a key for a Vigenére cipher.

The website sussed out of the cipher points to another Tiny URL and redirects users to this a now-expired Craiglist ad that was seeking volunteer subjects for medical experiments.

Aglidden replied to the Craiglist ad, because who wouldn't, and received a response for the show's Dr. Krieger. The redditor was encouraged, in so many words, to take note of the letters at the start of each paragraph in the Craigslist ad.

The letters in the ad combined to form yet another Tiny URL, which redirects visitors to this comment Krieger made on his Reddit account.

The Reddit slueth then discovered that Krieger's account name made up part of an IMDB URL, which led them through yet another Tiny URL and on to Krieger's flickr account here and eventually on to this website:

Where the Hunt is Now

Right now, the detectives over at Reddit are attempting to determine the meaning behind the melting smiley faces on the other side of an redirect.

They're also trying to figure out the significance of the terms "DEMAND FLUORIDE!" and "tentacle," which they deciphered earlier in the hunt. And they're trying to find out the meaning behind this Twitter message and a .ZIP file stored on the Algersoft website.

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