Gaming through Apple devices is set to get an exciting development with the first-ever iPhone game-streaming service dubbed Antstream Arcade, reportedly dropping with 1,300 classic games in the App Store on June 27.

A fully retro game-focused cloud gaming service, Antstream Arcade provides access to several of the greatest retro gaming consoles, including Pac-Man, Dig Dug, and Galaga, as well as an enormous library of over 1,300 games spanning numerous genres. 

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Retroid Pocket Flip Retro Gaming Device Revealed: Launch Date, Price, Specs Confirmed
(Photo : Image from Sei on Unsplash)

Serious retro lovers find great satisfaction in the fact that many classic games may still be found in their uncommon original arcade editions. According to the firm, the service will be available on the App Store on June 27, but it is currently available on other platforms in the EU, US, and Brazil.

Antstream Arcade's price will marginally beat its other prices briefly following its App Store debut. Before returning to the usual $4.99 per month or $39.99 per year, it will initially cost $3.99 per month or $29.99 per year in the App Store.

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Antstream Arcade Reviews

Reviews from other sources indicate that most games streamed very well over the cloud, probably because they were easy to play and, therefore, are ideal for the kind of casual playtime cloud gaming services promote. But more complicated games, like Worms on the PlayStation, had far longer loading times, which took away from their allure. 

Although the premium subscription offers limitless solo play, players can also participate in online tournaments, score-based player-vs-player duel mode, and various optional activities to earn extra gems.

iOS 18's Game Mode

iPhone and gaming may not have been two words that avid gamers in the past would have been excited about, but recent developments, notably iOS 18, may have changed the state of gaming on one of the most prestigious smartphones.

One of iOS 18's standout features is reportedly "Game Mode," which optimizes the gaming experience by prioritizing system resources for gaming.

Apple claims that Game Mode reduces background activity, transfers resources to the active game, and enhances the responsiveness of linked devices, including game controllers and AirPods. This guarantees that players experience more fluid gameplay at faster frame rates with lower input and audio delay.  

A short notification lets you know that Game Mode is automatically enabled whenever you run a game or an app connected to gaming. Because it does not require any further setup or manual involvement, its automatic activation streamlines the user experience.

The function maximizes the device's performance for interactive gaming by granting the game the greatest amount of access to the iPhone's processor and minimizing the use of background processes.

The iOS 18 Game Mode minimizes background activity to provide high frame rates. This is important for AAA games that require a lot of computing power.

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Written by Aldohn Domingo

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