Porsche's new headlight technology vows to turn night into day with its bright illumination capabilities.
The luxury carmaker says its innovation is the "light technology of the next generation."

Porsche's New Headlight Vows to Turn Night into Day
As per the latest report by Interesting Engineering, Porsche announced that it has developed a new lighting technology, which sports thousands of LEDs.
The Spokesperson of Research and Development and Technology Communications at Porsche, Hermann-Josef Stappen, explained how the new lightning technology of the automaker works.
The Porsche spokesperson says "the core element of the innovation created in collaboration with partners is a chip that combines over 16,000 individually controllable micro-LEDs onto the surface area the size of a thumbnail."

Stappen says that two of these LED chips "are utilized for each headlight." And as such, four of these thousands of LEDs are being used per vehicle, given that it has a pair of headlights.
Stappen further notes that "the headlights with HD matrix technology, therefore, offer a high-resolution light distribution up to twice as bright on a surface four times larger than previous top-notch systems."
With that said, the new lighting technology, which sports thousands of LEDs, vows to offer impressively bright illumination on the road more than other offerings out there.
Porsche touts that this new technology could essentially turn a night setting seemingly into a day.
According to a recent report by Hot Cars, the manager of Light Module and Regulation head of lightning modules, Ben Hummel, says that the high beam can reach up to 600 meters while lighting up roughly 300 lux.
Hot Cars puts this performance into perspective, saying that at this rate it could brightly light up a total of three warehouses.
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New LED Chips are Still Energy Saving
But despite the ultra-bright performance of these LED chips, the renowned carmaker says that it still is energy-saving.
The spokesperson of the automaker highlights that "they consume considerably less energy [than] other high-resolution systems, while the amount of light remains the same."
It is possible "because the HD matrix headlights only activate the pixels that are actually needed at any given moment."
So despite its ultra-bright performance, it does not sacrifice the energy needed to run vehicles.
On top of that, Interesting Engineering reports that Porsche went the extra mile to make this technology see the light of day. The automaker reportedly applied for as many as 25 patents to make it a reality.