A new update will be added to Capcom's Street Fighter 6 after the beta testing closes. Several testers discovered that gamers will be having the ability to play the game entirely by sound.
Artificial intelligence (AI) defeats a human champion of the "Street Fighter" game.TENGKU BAHAR/AFP via Getty Images
(Photo : TENGKU BAHAR/AFP via Getty Images) In this photo taken on August 12, 2017, a visitor plays the original 1980s Capcom classic Street Fighter, the precursor to the highly successful Street Fighter II sequel and later follow-ups, during the Retro.HK gaming expo in Hong Kong.
Audio Accessibility Options
The Gamer reported that testers found after the closing of Street Fighter's beta testing that Capcom will be adding incredible audio accessibility settings. Several options were added to the point that players can play the game by just observing the sound.
This was revealed through a Twitter user named @kurominah who was able to screenshot the options screen that lets users activate different sound effects. An option that activates a beeping sound that reveals your distance from the opponent was included, together with the sound that lets the player know whether a low, mid, or high attack will land on the other opponent.
The volume of the sound effects can also be lowered, which is the same for the hit sounds, clothing, footsteps, attacks, and more. Based on a report from Euro Gamer, this was a great decision for Capcom to lead the implementation of accessibility features as it boosts the fighting game community, especially the visually impaired gamers that want to participate in the game.
Street Fighter 6
IGN also revealed last month that Capcom released more characters in the game including Ken, Dhalsim, Blanka, and E. Hondo. Aside from these characters, Street Fighter will also be having new game modes. This was presented during the Tokyo Game Show with a new gameplay trailer.
For gamers to have the freedom to create their own fighters, Street Fighter also added a custom fighter, an in-game character creation. However, during the beta testing, some people decided to experiment and have gone extreme with their fighters. Several tweets were flooded by the gamers' creations on Twitter.
The trailer also revealed a new feature, the Battle Hub. This allows players to sit down and play a game of Street Fighter within Street Fighter. All of this happens while moving about what appears to be connected to the online environment, similar to The Tower in Destiny.
Street Fighter is scheduled to release next year on PC, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation5.
Aside from Street Fighter 6, Dead By Daylight will also be releasing an update to its accessibility menu. Through this, it will allow users to customize text size, enable colorblind modes, and modify some FOV settings when the killer in the game grabbed the players. Behavior Interactive, DBD's developer, has been observing to add this update for quite some time.