"League of Legends" Battle Academia has been a treat for League fans and enthusiasts as it brought a massive offer for gamers, as well as a new motif within the gaming interface of the title. However, apart from the cosmetic changes for known and well-loved characters, "LoL" Battle Academia also has missions and tasks to accomplish for extra rewards.

The game would be debuting with one of the most awaited and loved skin series of all time, which goes alongside the Pulsefire Series, Pool Party Series, Lunar New Year, K/DA, and the Battle Academia. Apart from skin series gathering up the squad or team so that each can have a role and take their shot as with a certain theme, Battle Academia has a lot up for grabs.
However, it is quite noting that the Battle Academia Missions for 2021 are only small-time and not that extensive compared to other themes, motifs, and special events that have arrived on the platform. The main purpose of this is to let gamers enjoy the new skins (or even without purchasing them), and earn a little on the side.
'League of Legends' Battle Academia Missions

The Battle Academia skins have recently released earlier last week, particularly last Thursday, Mar. 18, debuting the snappily dressed uniforms of the five characters for this special series. The series debuted a complete five-man team with specific roles to choose from, all having their function as if encouraging a team to form the Battle Academia in matches.
This includes Garen as the tank carry for solo top, Wukong as the jungle role, Yone as the AD mid-laner, Caitlyn as the bot-lane marksman, and Leona as bot-lane support.
According to DBLTAP, "League of Legends's" Battle Academia skin event has debuted two new missions for gamers to accomplish, and it would reward them with a handful of Blue Essence that can be used in shops. While the reward is minimal compared to actual events, it would be a massive help to add in buying other necessities that use Blue Essence.
'LoL' Battle Academia Mission 1: 'First Day of School'
For the first mission in Battle Academia 2021 ("First Day of School"), players are tasked to either kill a dragon three times during the game (either as a team or individually) or play five matches in total, throughout the day. This task would reward gamers with 150 Blue Essence directly to their profile, and accomplishing this would reward them individually.
'LoL' Battle Academia Mission 2: 'Who Needs To Study?'
The second mission is called "Who Needs to Study?" and it asks gamers to either play another five games, separate from the previously completed one (making it a total of ten games), or earning 10,000 gold (accumulated). Completing mission no. 2 would guarantee players with 350 Blue Essence, granting a total of 500 Blue Essence for both missions.
So far those two are the only missions that need to be accomplished and listed under "League of Legends's" Battle Academia skin event.
Related Article: 'League of Legends' Prestige Skins 2021, Battle Academia: Zed, Jax, Pantheon, Sylas Release Date, How to Get
This article is owned by Tech Times
Written by Isaiah Alonzo