Youtube and Amazon Prime have always been the primary go-to streaming platforms that most of the world would agree with; this time, they have a surprise for you all to enjoy. The most influential horror film a century ago is now available to watch online titled The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.
What is it About?
German director Rober Wiene's silent feature The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari was released an astounding 100 years ago this week! If that doesn't get you at least a little curious, you need to reflect regardless if you are a movie fan or not. The story follows a hypnotist who uses a sleepwalker to commit murders on his behalf.
Since its initial release in 1920, the film has been considered a defining film of the German Expressionist cinema movement with titles by FW Murnau's Nosferatu and Fritz Lang's Metropolis featured in 1922 and 1927 respectively.
The Architects of this Madness
Directed by Rober Wiene while Carl Mayer and Hans Janowitz wrote the story to The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari after the First World War. Their influences were for all to see in the film's characters: Caligari was the symbol of the German war government back at that time, the somnambulist was a representation of everyday civilians who were conditioned to kill as the soldiers have done.
Ironic since both writers were pacifists in all accounts. The film's ending, however, has been rumored to have been forced upon the writers' will. Nonetheless, the film garnered such a success that it was dubbed "the first true horror film" by critic Roger Ebert. This went on to produce success and enhance the artistic side of German cinema across the globe.
Why is Movie Important?
The film was critically acclaimed during its time and has gone on to inspire several movies in the coming years. As Roger Ebert wrote: "Caligari creates a mindscape, a subjective psychological fantasy," "In this world, unspeakable horror becomes possible." giving belief that this was something, unlike anything the world a 100 years ago was not accustomed to.
The first time it was ever screened was in Berlin on February 27, 1920. Caligari's nightmarish design made an impression and impact on other directors that would soon follow and use it in their films. As mentioned a while ago, it was F.W. Murnau and Fritz Lang who made follow up movies of their own due to the impact they received from watching their fellow writers' triumph on the big screen and how "horror" was redefined for the masses moving forward.
Regardless of how old the film is, we still celebrate 100 years of the film that redefined the horror genre that we now know and love. Watch it now on Youtube and Amazon Prime and experience an hour of silent horror that few have done so far with such an impactful experience to your senses or lack thereof.