For some players, Fortnite skins is one of the best added features so far. Who else wouldn't want to play the "Merc with a Mouth?" Here is a guide to complete the challenges for Week two of the event to get that sweet, sweet booty that is Deadpools skin without breaking a sweat!
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What are the Two Challenges?
The challenges for Week two are thankfully not as difficult as it may sound, although cryptic. The news here is there is no need to join a match with other players to complete the challenges. Rewards from completing the challenges for the week brings you a unique spray to brag about which features Deadpool. More importantly, progress points to bring you one step closer to getting your very own Deadpool skin when Epic Games decides to release it later on. It will most probably be on the fourth week, but nothing is set in stone yet.
"Find Deadpool's milk carton."
"Find Deadpool's chimichangas around HQ."

On to the First Challenge
To find this milk carton, head over to Deadpool's secret area in the bathroom. You will find some of his stuff just scattered across the room, and it is also ironically the same place where you found his letter in the first week's challenges. Look at the urinal, and look at what's sitting on top of it. Voila! The milk carton is there. Click it, and you are done.
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On to the Second Challenge!
The first challenge, check. The second challenge, let's go! You need to head back over to the HQ's hub. There, underneath the table where you usually look for the challenges to finish, is a red gas tank. Look to your right and there is your first chimichanga. Next up, travel to the Upgrade Vault and search beside Maya on the table for the second chimichanga. The last one to go, head over to the Agents Room and just look for Brutus, and to his right is where you will find the last one. You did it!
When Does it Go Live?
The challenges are expected to go live on Friday. So, at least before it comes out, you are well equipped and ready to go-just a little more for that epic Deadpool skin. Thanks to the simplicity of the challenges you might need to get ready for more complex ones coming soon, speculation aside, it would be amazing to play your favorite game with one of the most iconic Marvel characters out there right now. Wouldn't you agree?
Now, if you haven't pretty much surmised the yes, Deadpool is going to be in Fortnite, don't worry since HERE is a link provided that would assist you and get back to reality.