Game Developer Crema Games issued a statement on Twitter regarding its aggressive stance on cheating by banning over 900 players in their game Temtem. They mentioned that they will not consider any appeals on the bans given, because as stated that all those who are banned are cheaters. A few hours after that, however, their stance softened.
In the softer stance that they are taking, it assures players that they won't get banned by finding bugs or glitches by accident. Also now, they will review every appeal that comes there way regarding a banned account but is "extremely confident" of their process.
The change of heart is to assure players who have gotten scared because of the massive 900 player ban and fear that the hardline status might affect them even if they haven't cheated or done any exploits.
What it entails?
The silver lining for this though is that players who would want to enjoy a game that relatively has no or very few cheaters in an online game Temtem is the place to be. Released just this January on Steam and has about 89 percent positive reviews with almost 13,000 people who reviewed the game.
Temtem is a Pokemon-like MMO that sees players collect new creatures called Temtem in an Archipelago where you get to capture new breeds, fight other tamers, explore the world and more.
Reviews of the public
Overwhelmingly positive reviews have been praising Temtem of its unique style of gameplay albeit it's similarities to the massively popular Pokemon franchise. Still in its infancy stage but already making massive noise from the player base with more and more jumping in on the game. Bugs are still there as it is still in Early Access from Steam, but not like most and in this case developers are quick to patch and shut down any potential cheaters.
The future of this game is bright and makes a lot of sense for players on PC to try out this game as thousands of people already have. Many players also believe this is some good competition from the massive giant that is Pokemon but only time will tell for sure.
For people who really just want to play the game and not necessarily interact with people, fret not. There is no in-game chat so far and does not look like it's going to be implemented anytime soon, weird for an MMO game but it fits the formula. Still is possible to play with others however which is a plus and keep in mind, this game is not even nearly finished.
So a few bugs there is, as quickly as devs respond to cheaters and as promptly delivering quality content from an indie developer to take the risk and plunge to compete against Pokemon. The sky is literally the limit for this game and be sure to find out more news about this only here in Tech Times.