The global phenomenon that is Pokemon recently released a game called Pokemon Sword and Shield last November 2019. The game is set to release two big expansions this year, in which each of them promises to take players to different regions of Galar that is home to all Pokemon to catch em all! Not only that, we have some more news regarding RANKED system in the Battle League that is something trainers have been craving for!
Pokemon Sword and Shield Expansions
The very first expansion of Sword and Shield is named Isle of Armor. Said to be released this June. The theme of this expansion focuses on "growth," and it will take players to the aforementioned island where they will encounter a new rival character and a man named Mustard, Galar's most formidable Pokemon League Champion who kept it the longest as well as Leon's former mentor.
The second expansion of the game aptly named, The Crown Tundra, will follow somewhere around Fall. From the first expansion focusing on growth, the second will focus more on "exploration," and will introduce a new co-op gameplay feature that allows you to explore the widely enjoyable Pokemon Max Raid dens together with other players. Within these dens are a variety of Legendary Pokemon from previous alterations of the game as well as a flurry of surprisingly new ones to conquer.
All New Pokemon and Retuning OG Ones!
All in all, there are over 200 old school Pokemon to be added to the Nintendo Switch games. The best part is that you do not need to own the expansions to obtain them, players who own the game will be able to collect Pokemon through trading or transferring Pokemon they have captured in previous games via the Pokemon Home Service.
During the recent Pokemon Direct, Game Freak, the developers of the game gave us a look at some of the new and more excitingly returning Pokemon coming to Sword and Shield for each expansion.
Listed here, all of the Pokemon mentioned for your reading pleasure.
Besides the return of the OG Pokemon, there is a new version of Pokemon coming to the game like the Sword and Shield version of Gigntamax, and Galarian Slowpoke, which is now able to catch thanks to the most recent Sword and Shield update.
RANKED in Battle League:
Players are all too familiar with ranked games in different genres of the gaming industry, which lets you test your mettle with other players of the same caliber and see how far you could rank in the world. This is no different here in Pokemon. The developers opted to use the same PvP system as to how you would normally challenge team Rocket, friends, and team leaders.
This update rolls out by level, so if you can't access it on your current level, it will happen soon enough, that you can be sure of. The ranking will start at 1 to 10, currently the highest level attainable so far. Losing battles will not decrease your rank, but will lower your rating once you hit rank eight or higher. Pretty straight forward process, earn rating by winning and lose them if you lose. The players you match against at this point will have similar ratings to yours.
Of course, with these types of things prizes are up for grabs, here are some of the things you can win by competing higher up the ranks:
- Ranks 1-3: Snorlax (guaranteed on your first encounter), Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, and Machop
- Ranks 4-6: Scraggy (guaranteed on your first encounter after hitting rank 4), Meditite, Skarmory, Snorlax, Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, and Machop
- Ranks 7-10: Lapras, Larvitar, Shieldon, Deino, Litwick, Scraggy, Meditite, Skarmory, Snorlax, Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott, and Machop
Best Roster so far to use in the League:
- Wigglytuff - Charm, Ice Beam, and Rock Slide
- Altaria - Dragon Breath, Sky Attack, and Dragon Pulse
- Linoone - Shadow Claw, Grass Know, and Thunder
- Whiscash - Mud Shot, Mud Bomb, and Blizzard
- Marshtomp - Mud Shot, Mud Bomb, and Surf