More than thirty new Pokemon will be obtainable by players in the newest update of Pokemon Go, the highest-grossing Nintendo-licensed mobile game. These Pokemons are from the 5th-generation of games Pokemon Black and White, which featured the Unova region. The latest update also introduced trade evolutions to some Pokemon, paying homage to one classic mechanic from the main Pokemon games.
30 New Pokemon
The Pokemon arriving on the mobile game includes some fan-favorite Pokemon that many have waited so long to get. Although not all Unova Pokemon have migrated yet, we could expect Niantic, the developers of Pokemon Go, to continue releasing Pokemon from the region in the following weeks.
Right now, the new update saw the debut of the following Pokemon:
- Boldore
- Gurdurr
- Karrablast
- Shelmet
- Roggenrola
- Tympole
- Dwebble
- Trubbish
- Joltik
- Venipede
- Tirtouga
- Archen
- Axew
- Throh
- Sawk
- Maractus
- Sigilyph
- Basculin
Pokemon evolving from the ones listed above are also included in this new update. The first four mentioned also benefit from the new trade evolution mechanic.
Trading for Stronger Pokemon
As mentioned above, Pokemon can now evolve without using any candies. The Pokemon that can do this are those who evolve via trading in the mainline Pokemon games. This includes the following Pokemon:
- Kadabra
- Machoke
- Graveler
- Haunter
- Boldore
- Gurdurr
- Karrablast
- Shelmet
We could speculate that future Pokemon that will be added to Pokemon Go would also be able to evolve through evolution, if applicable. However, there are also some Pokemon like Onyx who currently can't evolve through trading, even though it would usually evolve in the main games when traded.
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The Pokemon that usually evolve through trading but haven't received the trade evolution treatment in Pokemon Go yet seem to have a common characteristic. In the mainline games, these Pokemon would evolve only if they were traded while holding a specific item. Pokemon Go doesn't allow Pokemon to have held items, which is probably a feature Niantic plans to introduce later on.
If the Pokemon you have is listed above was received via trade, it will be eligible for evolving without having to spend candies. You won't have to trade the Pokemon again just to evolve it into a new species.
More to Come
Even nearly four years after release, Niantic continues to add more features and mechanics into the game. For the first few weeks of January, Niantic plans to release frequent updates that will add more Pokemon along with other highly-demanded features.
Last October, Niantic announced that a Battle League will be introduced into the game sometime this year. This will introduce new PvP mechanics into the game, something that Pokemon Go currently is light in.
Niantic also promises to revamp gyms and introduce gym leaders this year, as well as adding more ways to integrate Pokemon Go to the console Pokemon games.