Samuel L. Jackson Will Be Digitally 'De-Aged' By 25 Years In 'Captain Marvel' Film

It was confirmed that actor Samuel L. Jackson would be reprising his role as Nick Fury in the upcoming Marvel film, Captain Marvel. The movie will take place in the 1990's, which means fans will see Fury in his younger years before the Avengers came into existence.

Nicky Fury 25 Years Ago

When discussing Captain Marvel and how the studio would be handling Jackson portraying Nicky Fury 25 years in the past. The head of Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, stated that they would be using "de-aging" technology to make Jackson look younger for the entire movie.

"Well, I think having the option is pretty amazing. And I think having the technology and even without spoiling anything, Sam Jackson is shooting a movie for us right now that takes, where he's entirely 25 years younger the whole movie [Captain Marvel]. So that'll certainly be the ones," Feige stated.

Also reprising his role from the Avengers film will be Clark Gregg as Agent Phil Coulson. Gregg has also portrayed Coulson in Iron Man, Iron Man 2, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Feige stated that for Gregg, the de-aging technology will be used on him as well. If fans respond positively to this, there could be future prequels that will use the same tech. This isn't the first time Marvel has used this technology on its characters. It was used in prior films for flashback purposes, including Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 for Kurt Russel's character and Robert Downey Jr. in Captain America: Civil War.

Marvel's Future

Captain Marvel will follow the titular character portrayed by actress Brie Larson, who was a U.S. Air Force pilot but ultimately becomes one of Earth's mightiest heroes after her DNA is infused with an alien's — giving her superhuman strength, energy, and flight.

The film will also star Jude Law, Ben Mendelsohn, Djimon Hounsou, Lee Pace, Lashana Lynch, Gemma Chan, Algenis Perez Soto, Rune Temte, and Mckenna Grace. Even though Captain Marvel will premiere in theaters on March 9, 2019, it will not follow any of the events from the most recent Marvel films, Avengers: Infinity Wars and Ant-Man and the Wasp.

Jackson said in an interview that Captain Marvel would be "important" for the fourth Avengers film. Captain Marvel will also appear in the next and final Avengers film, which is set to be in theaters May 2019.

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