Essential PH-1 Android 8.1 Oreo Update Is Now Available

After several manufacturing delays, Andy Rubin's Essential Phone PH-1 released last year with Android Nougat. The smartphone skips 8.0 and goes for Android 8.1 Oreo.

Users can initiate the update over-the-air through the settings menu on their smartphones. Once completed, owners can enjoy some of the latest fixes and upgrades included in the new operating system version.

Additionally, Essential made sure to include Google's March Security patches along with minor tweaks that were not included in the device's launch.

Skipping A Step

Reports claim that the reason for the brand's decision to skip Android 8.0 version is due to the stability issues discovered with it. Therefore, the developers opted to work on the newer version with help of a beta release to narrow down its bugs and problems.

After what presumably was a sufficient trial period, the company has officially announced the release of Android Oreo 8.1 on Twitter.

Device owners who kept their smartphones on stock firmware will require a little over 1 GB of storage space, while 8.1 beta participants will just need around 276 MB to complete the installation.

Changes Included With Oreo

The company posted an update on its official blog, listing down the notable changes included in the Android 8.1 Oreo firmware patch. Based on the information available, Essential Phone PH-1 should experience tougher security measures, improved battery life, a performance boost and others following the update.

The overhauled interface rearranges the options found in the settings menu to minimize the need to scroll. The notifications bar also adapts to the type of wallpaper used with lighter or darker shades. Multitasking allegedly gets better with picture-in-picture support, which keeps other apps open at the same time for quick reference.

It also fixes the slow scrolling jitter reported by several owners since its release last year. Furthermore, a new set of dynamic Clock and Calendar icons are included with the upgrade.

The Amazon Edition

A couple of months after the release of Essential Phone PH-1, it received a substantial price cut that irked the people who originally ordered the smartphone. Rumors suggested that the company reduced the price due to less-than-expected sales. Frustrated owners were not even appeased by the $200 credit the company offered to make up for the price adjustment.

Last month, Essential introduced three new colors: Copper Black, Ocean Depths, and Stellar Gray. Also, an Amazon-exclusive Halo Gray model quickly followed with pre-installed Alexa.

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