Inviting people to create memes about you is probably not the best idea when you're facing allegations of sexual assault.
Bill Cosby took to Twitter on Monday to ask his followers to "meme him," but it turned out the joke was on him.
The 77-year-old comedian unveiled a #CosbyMeme Generator on his website, which allowed users to select from a collection of Cosby photos and add their own text. And so the trolling began.
Instead of celebrating the famed funny man, the Internet blasted The Cosby Show actor for sexual assault allegations that surfaced back in the 70s.
Even though the memes needed approval before hitting the Internet, users took screenshots of their less than wholesome memes, which reignited accusations made in 2004. 13 women reported that they suffered from sexual abuse from one of TV's favorite fathers.
"My two favorite things: Jello pudding and rape," read the text on one meme. "Look at this wacky shirt I'm wearing, also I am a serial rapist," another said.
Cosby has not commented on the viral memes, but has removed the tweet that started it all. He also pulled the meme generator from his website last night.
Someone really thought #COSBYMEME was a good idea?
— Justin Wood (@Justin_Wood_) November 10, 2014
Bill Cosby Asked the Internet to Make Him Into a Meme. It Did Not Go Well @BDCWire #CosbyMeme — (@BostonDotCom) November 11, 2014
Don't mind if I do... #CosbyMeme
— Rusty Redenbacher (@rustymk2) November 10, 2014
I think Bill Cosby still thinks he's America's Dad and not America's creepy Uncle who's not allowed to visit anymore... #CosbyMeme — Elon James White (@elonjames) November 10, 2014
How about this one, is this one okay... RT @BillCosby: Go ahead. Meme me! #CosbyMeme
— Jason Steele (@FilmCow) November 10, 2014
Twitter Roasts Bill Cosby To A Crisp With #CosbyMeme
— 106.7 WTLC (@1067WTLC) November 11, 2014
So Bill Cosby asked ya'll to meme him? #CosbyMeme
— Tara L. Conley (@taralconley) November 10, 2014
Photo Credit: Getty Images