This body image PSA shows we have a lot to learn from kids

We live in a society that obsesses over body image. In a PSA from the Jubilee Project, an organization that shares stories to inspire change, 50 people of all ages, genders and races were asked one question: "If you could change one thing about your body what would it be?"

"Only one?" one woman laughs.

In an attempt to inspire the public to have feel positively about their bodies, the adults begin to name a physical trait that they are insecure about. Responses include changing their forehead, height and acne-prone skin. One woman shares her story about wanting bigger eyes and a man shares his story about how he was teased for having big ears.

"When I was younger, I felt like I was quite adequate enough," another woman says.

After the adults respond, children were then asked the same thing. Seeing their reactions is rich, but their answers are priceless.

The adults were able to answer the question a bit easier. The adorable children hesitate and after thinking about it, they begin to name superhuman qualities they would want instead of wishing to change an aspect of their body.

Some answers include a mermaid tail, wings, teleportation, and having legs like a cheetah. "Probably like a shark mouth so I can eat a lot of stuff," one boy says.

"I like my body," one girl said. "I don't think there's anything to change," another says.

The video then shows the happy faces of all the participants as an older woman talks about loving her white hair. "I chose to stay this way because it just wouldn't be me if I changed the way I looked," she says.

The PSA makes us reflect on the last time we felt comfortable in our skin. It's easy to be insecure about physical appearances. The PSA shows that while we learn many things about ourselves as we get older, there are still some things we can learn from kids.

People can share their own story on Twitter using the campaign hostage #IAmComfortableBecause.

Photo Credit: Jubilee Project

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