Watch your favorite female icons inspire women to vote in this awesome PSA

Mid-term elections aren't usually characterized as game changers but this year it is more important than ever for women to vote in them. That is the message that your favorite females want to bring in a new PSA to inspire more women to vote.

Produced by the Department of Peace, Joan Jett, Carrie Brownstein, Sia and other strong women and girls of all ages are featured lip-syncing and head banging to Jett's feminist hit "Bad Reputation" throughout a video that explains why women need to continue to fight for their rights.

"There are candidate running for office this November who have backwards views on women's rights," Jett says. "If you care about our right to control our own bodies and our own paychecks, then get yourself out to the polls this November fourth and vote."

The PSA is made by "an art collective geared toward creating consciousness-raising content and inspiring young people toward political participation and community-oriented action."

Released before mid-term elections, the video highlights the fact that women have decided every election in our lifetimes. And it is especially important for women to get out and vote this year after more laws were passed in 2013 to restrict reproductive rights than in the previous decade combined. "Politicians are making laws that put your body into their hands," the PSA reads.

Republicans in the Senate also voted against the paycheck fairness act, allowing the wage gap between men and women to continue to exist.

The PSA reminds women that a high voter turnout is important to change anti-equality laws that are passed on the state level. The video also encourages women to change the trend of low voter turn out during mid-term elections. Watch the video below.

Photo Credit: Theresa Thompson/Flickr

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