Watch little girls drop the F-word for gender equality

As much as we try to prevent our children from learning curse words, when they inevitably come out of their mouths at a young age, they're either scolded or laughed at for saying the darndest things.

But really, is it that big of a deal when a little girl says the F-word? It may not be the nicest thing to say, but it is just a word, after all. A new video shows us that there are many words and phrases that are much worse to hear.

The activist T-shirt company FCKH8 has just released a new video where little girls dressed in dainty princess outfits look right at the camera and say the F-word. Again and again and again. The point of the video is of course to shock us, but even more than that, it aims to bring awareness to important issues facing women that explain why we're still a long way from reaching gender equality.

These young ladies say that there are many more terrible words than the F-word that could be coming out of their mouths. This includes "pay inequality," "rape & violence" and "be pretty," all issues that haunt women of every age and keep them from living happy, healthy and productive lives in the same way that men do. The video asks us to think about whether it's more offensive to hear little girls say the F-word or experience the "unequal and sexist way society treats girls and women?"

I'd have to agree that it's the latter. The stats that these girls drop in the video hurt more than their F-bombs. These include the fact that women are still paid 23 percent less than men doing the same job and that one in five women will be raped or sexually assaulted by a man. These stats are so messed up, how can anyone, young or old, say anything but "WTF?!" in response?

Now that FCKH8 has gotten our attention with this video, they'd like to sell you some T-shirts. The video was created to promote the company's anti-sexism T-shirts that say, "Girls Just Want to Have Fun-Damental Rights" and "This is What a Feminist Looks Like." The company is also known for promoting tolerance for members of the LGBT community and other races as well with T-shirts that read "Some Dudes Marry Dudes. Get Over It" and "Racism is Not Over. But I'm Over Racism." For each anti-sexism T-shirt sold, FCKH8 will donate $5 to a variety of charities.

Check out the full video below.

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