'Pokémon Sun' And 'Moon' Guide: How To Get All The Legendaries And Ultra Beasts

Pokémon Sun and Moon are finally out, and that means there are a lot of new legendaries to catch. The best part is, there are also Ultra Beasts to get too.

Aside from Solgaleo and Lunala, other rarest of the rare Pokémon in Alola include Zygarde, Magearna and Marshadow, the guardian deities Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu and Tapu Fini and the Ultra Beasts Nihelego, Phermosa, Buzzwole, Xurkitree, Celesteela, Kartana and Guzzlord.

Of course, there's a spoiler or two in the guide below, so consider yourself warned.

Solgaleo And Lunala

Solgaleo and Lunala are the two legendaries on the box art of Pokémon Sun and Moon respectively, and there's no need for tips and tricks to get them, as you'll eventually have them in your collection as you progress through the story normally.

That said, all you must do is finish the game, become the champion of Alola, make it to the Altar of the Sunne or Altar of the Moone on Poni Island depending on the version you're playing and enter a portal there, which is accessible during the day in Pokémon Moon and at night in Pokémon Sun.

To finally get Cosmog, just go to the Lake of the Sunne or Lake of the Moone after going into the portal, and you'll find a platform there. Head on to the top and a cutscene should play, and then you're all done.

For those who don't know, Cosmog is the pre-evolution stage of Solgaleo and Lunala.

The Guardian Deities

To challenge guardian deities - Tapu Koko (Melemele Island), Tapu Lele (Akala Island), Tapu Bulu (Ula'ula Island) and Tapu Fini (Poni Island) - you'll have to be the champion of Alola and touch statues in their respective ruins.

That said, here's a short breakdown on how to encounter them:

• Tapu Koko: Ruins of Conflict

• Tapu Lele: Ruins of Life (Machamp Poké Ride required)

• Tapu Bulu: Ruins of Abundance (You must go through the Haina Desert, following this pattern: up, right, up, right, left, down and up)

• Tapu Fini: Ruins of Hope (Machamp Poké Ride required)

Note: You'll get a chance to capture Tapu Koko when you beat the Pokémon League, and heading to the Ruins of Conflict is just a second chance of catching it again if you fail to do so in the first encounter.

Ultra Beasts

After completing the main story, the International Police will come to you and give you 10 Beast Balls for every mission you can take to catch the Ultra Beasts. They will also give you the locations, but here's a quick list of it to let you know what's in store:

• UB-01 Symbiont/Nihelego: Poison/Rock type found at Vela Mountain or Diglett Cave.

• UB-02 Beauty/Phermosa (Pokémon Moon): Bug/Fighting type in Verdant Cave.

• UB-02 Absorption/Buzzwole (Pokémon Sun): Bug/Fighting type in Verdant Cave.

• UB-03 Lighting/Xurkitree: Electric type at Memorial Hill and Lush Jungle.

• UB-04 Blaster/Celesteela (Pokémon Moon): Steel/Flying type at Haina Desert and Malie Garden.

• UB-04 Kartana (Pokémon Sun): Steel/Grass type at Haina Desert and Malie Garden.

• UB-05 Glutton/Guzzlord: Dark/Dragon in Resolution Cave.

If an Ultra Beast doesn't seem to appear, that's probably because you need to catch them by numerical order. For example, Xurkitree won't turn up when you haven't captured Phermosa or Buzzwole and accomplished their mission.


Once you're done dealing with all the Ultra Beasts, Looker will say that there's another one flying above Melemele Island, but it's actually the legendary Pokémon Necrozma.

To encounter it, go to Ten Carat Hill and then continue to Farthest Hollow. There, start running around the tall grass until you come across Necrozma.

Take note that Necrozma isn't an Ultra Beast, so don't even think about using Beast Balls. Also, you can use a Max Repel to steer clear of other Pokémon and save time.

Be careful, as Necrozma is a level 75 Psychic type Pokémon, so make sure you have a Pokémon in the first slot that can take him on.


As you go through the story of Pokémon Sun or Moon, you'll eventually meet up with Dexio and Sina, who will then give you a Zygarde Cube to collect Z-Cells and Z-Cores.

Now, Zygarde has three forms: Zygarde 10 Percent Forme for 10 Z-Cells, Zygarde 50 Percent Forme for 50 Z-Cells and Zygarde Complete Forme for 100 Z-Cells.

You can use the Z-Cells over at the trailer on Route 16 in Ula'ula Island to build your Zygarde.

Meanwhile, Z-Cores will let you teach your Zygarde new moves.


Magearna is easy to get, as you only have to complete the main story and wait until The Pokémon Company uploads a QR code on Pokemon.com for trainers everywhere to scan and download the mythical Pokémon on Dec. 5.

There's no need to rush the story too, as the code will be up on the website until March 5.


Marshadow is a mysterious Pokémon that has yet to go official, and the public only knew about its existence by way of data mining.

You can't catch it in either game, and it's likely going to be a Mystery Gift in the future.

With all said and done, are you excited to get all the legendaries and Ultra Beasts in Pokémon Sun and Moon? If so, feel free to hit us up in the comments section below and let us know.

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