Pokémon Sun and Moon are rolling out, and while veterans might already know what version to choose, many newcomers might still be wondering why there are two versions of the same game.
The reason is, these are not the same games, or at least by some measure. For the true Pokémon fan, every release of a mainline Pokémon title means scouring the exclusives you get for either editions.
Here's a handy list of version exclusives to help you decide if you should get Pokémon Sun or Pokémon Moon.
Version-Exclusive Pokémon: Legendaries And Alola Forms
As always, one copy of the game nets you its mascot. For Pokémon Sun, it's psychic/steel type legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and for Pokémon Moon, it's psychic/ghost type Pokémon Lunala.
The two new games will also introduce a semi-new type of Pokémon species called Alola forms. These are existing Pokémon creatures that have changed their form and type to adapt to their environment.
For Pokémon Sun, you get the Alola forms of Vulpix and Ninetails. For Pokémon Moon, you get the Alola forms of Sandshrew and Sandslash.
Even more exclusives are available in the two versions and Twitter user Decidueye has uploaded a spoiler-free chart parsing the two apart.
Here are the version exclusives from both games!!
Posted cause it's to help y'all decide what version you want & has no spoilers IMO. pic.twitter.com/gvwlw8T4ni— Vishwa (@DecidueyeX) November 10, 2016
Fossil Pokémon
Fossil Pokémon in these games aren't fully considered as version exclusives since you can get parallel version-exclusive fossils via trading, but we're including them herein so you can decide which version to get.
Fossils readily available in Pokémon Sun are Cranidos, which evolves into Rampardos and Tirtouga, which evolves into Carracosta. For Pokémon Moon, the fossils available are Shieldon, which evolves into Bastiodon and Archen, which evolves into Archeops.
Rockruff Evolutions
A new dog-like Pokémon was also introduced for the new games, called Rockruff. It can evolve into two different forms, depending on which version you purchase. For Pokémon Sun, Rockruff will evolve into Lycanroc, but it will assume a midday form for this version.
For Pokémon Moon, Lycanroc will assume the menacing and ominous-looking midnight form.
Ultra Beasts
The new games will also introduce Ultra Beasts, enigmatic, extraterrestrial Pokémon creatures that pose a threat to the Alola region. In Pokémon Sun, you'll encounter UB-02 Absorption while in Pokémon Moon, you'll encounter UB-02 Beauty.
Time Difference
There's a 12-hour difference between Pokémon Sun and Moon. For Pokémon Sun players, you will play in real time in accordance with the 3DS clock in your system, but Pokémon Moon players get an extra 12 hours on top, according to IGN.
By now you should have a general idea of what version to pick based on these differences. You can even try this unofficial tool if you're stumped on which Pokémon you should pick as your team for your Alola adventure.
Pokémon Sun and Moon will hit stores Nov. 18.