First 'Pokémon GO' Player To Catch 'Em All In The US Offers Some Pro Tips

Millions of Pokémon GO trainers are trying to become the best there ever was, but only one player so far (that we know of) can truly call himself a Pokémon master. Earlier this week, Nick Johnson became the first publicly-documented trainer to have caught all 142 Pokémon in the United States, and now, he's offering advice for players who wish to do the same.

In a new interview with Business Insider, Johnson gives a number of great tips for players looking to step up their game. Below are some of the highlights:

1. Buy a comfortable pair of shoes

Johnson walked up to eight miles a day hunting for pocket monsters after work, so a good pair of sneakers will go a long way toward making the entire affair more bearable. He also recommends jogging when possible, as the game better recognizes a jogging pace rather than a slow walk.

2. Move in a straight line

Building on tip number one, Johnson says moving in a straight line is the best way for the game to track your progress. The game, according to Johnson, measures distance by periodically checking the straight-line distance between where you were versus where you are currently. That means walking in circles doesn't actually do players much good. Making sure you're getting the most out of your steps goes directly into Johnson's third major tip ...

3. If you're spending money, buy egg incubators

For players who are willing to throw down some real cash in the game, Johnson recommends buying egg incubators. Walking certain distances will cause the eggs to hatch, and can sometimes reward players with hard-to-find Pokémon. Using tip number two, you'll be hatching eggs in no time.

4. Evolve weaker, more common Pokémon to level up fast

Players looking to level up quickly will want to catch as many common, weak Pokémon as possible. It's much easier to evolve creatures like Pidgey or Weedle than it is to evolve more powerful Pokémon, which means you'll be getting more experience points faster than waiting to only evolve stronger Pokémon.

5. Work with other trainers

Even though Pokémon GO doesn't have any real built-in social features, working with fellow trainers is key to catching 'em all. Johnson says he regularly talked to other players or used player resources online to track down rare Pokémon. In fact, a random fellow player he talked to helped him track down the illusive Dratini.

Those are Johnson's main tips, but he also lists number of other tips for players in the New York City area. You can read the entire list of tips over at Business Insider.

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