One US 'Pokémon GO' Player Caught Them All

One Pokémon GO player has officially become "the best there ever was" by collecting every available Pokémon in the U.S. version of the game.

Reddit user ftb_hodor bragged about that major accomplishment on that site and posted a photo of a completely full Pokédex, with all 142 available creatures collected. The player lives in New York and offered to help others find the creatures that might still evade them.

That doesn't mean that it's game over, though. There are still five creatures not yet in the U.S. version of the game, and three remain region-locked. That also means that ftb_hodor has a good group of Pokémon from which to select when going to battle and can now choose any of the 142 Pokémon collected to take over gyms.

The player did admit that there was some out-of-state travel involved to New Jersey to find several of the creatures, but the rest were found by hunting through Manhattan and Brooklyn.

Here's what a full Pokédex looks like:

This accomplishment was time-consuming, especially considering that this player has a 50-hour per week job. It seems like ftb_hodor doesn't like to sleep and loves to walk: the Pokémon collection mission took a total of 153 miles.

Eurogamer points out that this is the first player to collect all 142 available creatures in the U.S. version of the game, so this is quite the accomplishment.

The Pokémon GO mobile game has taken over the world, with players turning out in record numbers at local parks and in their cities to find the rarest Pokémon that they can hunt down. Some are doing crazy things to catch them all, while others focus on joining teams and claiming gyms. Teams become available in the game at Level 5, and for those confused about which team to join, here's a guide.

Pokémon GO is more than just a game, though: not only has it motivated people to go outside and get some exercise, but it has also created new communities of friends who often meet up and play together. Players also report that the game has mental health benefits and has even helped those suffering from depression. Local businesses have also jumped on the Pokémon GO bandwagon, using lures and advertising to get players in their stores. Charities have used the game with other walking-based programs to raise money for their causes.

Pokémon Go is available now on iOS and Android devices.

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