‘Overwatch’ Hero Spotlight: A Beginner’s Guide To Junkrat

Overwatch games have specific goals but players can have their own aims entering into a fight. If yours is to annoy the hell out of the enemy team, then Junkrat is the hero for you.

His Story

Junkrat is 25-year-old Jamison Fawkes, one of the few survivors of the aftermath of the detonation of the Australian omnium fusion core. The detonation forever changed the Outback's landscape, turning it from the world's most biodiverse region to an unlivable, irradiated wasteland of debris and ruin.

The survivors called themselves Junkers, scavenging the omnium husk and forming a lawless society in the shadows. Junkrat survived by reclaiming components and metals from the ruins. The radiation tipped him into madness, making him ideal for handling dangerous explosives. He may have loved them before but now he's simply obsessed with making things go kaboom.

He discovered a secret in the omnium and this made him a target for gangs and bounty hunters. To get away, Junkrat made a deal with Roadhog, a Junker enforcer. In exchange for getting half of whatever Junkrat gets, Roadhog will be his personal bodyguard.

Now with a protector in tow, Junkrat left the Outback and is set on taking on the world, one crime at a time.

His Abilities

Frag Launcher - Grenades lobbed by the Frag Launcher bounce around until they reach their destination, blowing up when an enemy is struck. Five grenades can be shot before Junkrat has to reload.

Concussion Mine - A homemade contraption by Junkrat, Concussion Mine can send enemies flying, damaging them, or can be used to give the hero a boost through the air.

Steel Trap - Essentially a bear trap, the Steel Trap stops enemies in their tracks, injuring them and immobilizing them so Junkrat or his teammates can dole out some more damage.

Total Mayhem - Junkrat isn't afraid to die because he knows when he does, he can still take out enemies in the process. Activate Total Mayhem and live grenades will drop when Junkrat kicks the bucket.

RIP-Tire - A motorized tire bomb revved and sent by Junkrat across the battlefield, RIP-Tire can climb over obstacles and walls and can either explode on its own or be remotely detonated to time a blast for maximum damage to enemies within the blast range.

Watch Junkrat's abilities in action below!

Heroes He Is Weak Against

Winston - The gorilla scientist will have no trouble closing in on Junkrat, dealing massive damage while taking on whatever Junkrat can dish out. Winston's Barrier Projector also keeps Junkrat's grenades from being flung around corners and through doorways.

Pharah - Junkrat's grenades or his other abilities can't do anything to Pharah because she's in the air most of the time.

Lucio - Not a direct counter, but Lucio can heal up his teammates fast enough to ensure they don't stack up damage from Junkrat's grenade.

Heroes He Is Strong Against

Bastion - In his turret form, Bastion will have a problem with Junkrat's grenades, especially when they are lobbed over walls and fired around corners.

Zarya - Junkrat can deal high damage and engage Zarya at a distance, a range she is ineffective in. Zarya is capable of protecting herself and another teammate but can't take on fire for the entire team like other Tanks can, making her weak against Junkrat's mass area-of-effect damage.


1. Junkrat specializes in protecting an area with bombs and traps. He has low health, however, and so will be in a bad spot in a one-on-one situation.

2. His Steel Trap is effective at completely locking in place fast-moving heroes like Winston and Tracer.

3. Aside from simply getting Junkrat onto high ground, his Steel Trap can be used to get him airborne so he can rain grenades on enemies.

4. Watch out for snipers that can take out Junkrat while steering clear of his grenades' reach.

5. RIP-Tire has a 10-meter damage radius and will deal massive damage. However, Junkrat will be vulnerable and immobile while it is in use, so be mindful of his position before deploying the ability.

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