‘Overwatch’ Hero Spotlight: A Beginner’s Guide To Bastion

At first look, Bastion has an overwhelming presence, thanks to its massive build. But aptly named as a defensive Overwatch hero it may be, the robot has a soft side fascinated by nature.

Its Story

Bastion, real name SST Laboratories Siege Automaton E54, was a frontline combatant during the Omnic Crisis. Bastion units were originally built for peacekeeping purposes but they feature the unique ability to reconfigure themselves rapidly into assault mode. They were turned against their creators during the Omnic Crisis, forming a major portion of the rebel army.

When the crisis was resolved, Bastion units were disassembled or destroyed, fated to be remembered as the symbol of the horrors the conflict brought. However, one Bastion unit was left forgotten for more than 10 years, left to rust away, inert and oblivious to the passing of time. One day, Bastion unexpectedly reactivated, but it appeared its combat programming had been lost. Instead, this Bastion unit was curious about the environment and its inhabitants, which prompted it to explore its surroundings.

Bastion is generally harmless but its core combat programming kicks in when it senses a threat, tapping into its whole arsenal to eliminate anything perceived as a danger. This has led to conflict in the few times that Bastion encountered humans, which is why the robot prefers uncharted territories, avoiding populated areas in the world.

Its Abilities

Configuration: Recon - Bastion is fully mobile during Recon mode, armed with a submachine gun capable of steady bursts of fire at medium range.

Configuration: Sentry - Bastion becomes a stationary powerhouse during Sentry mode, unleashing a hail of bullets with a gatling gun. Aim can be spread across multiple targets, doling out massive damage to enemies within short to medium range.

Reconfigure - Bastion shifts between Recon and Sentry mode to adapt to conditions on the battlefield.

Self-Repair - Bastion can repair itself to restore health but it can't use weapons or move during the process.

Configuration: Tank - Bastion's Ultimate, Tank mode gives the robot a powerful long-range cannon and wheeled treads, firing explosive shells with a wide blast radius. This ability deals a lot of damage to enemy teams but Bastion can only use it for a limited time.

Watch Bastion's abilities in action below!

Heroes It Is Weak Against

Genji - The cyborg ninja can not only deal damage at close range but can also use his Deflect ability to reflect back bullets and hurt Bastion from long range.

Junkrat - Bastion in turret form will have big problems with Junkrat's grenades because these can be fired over walls and around corners.

Widowmaker and Hanzo - Those with long-range abilities can easily pepper Bastion with lethal blows without putting themselves at a lot of risk.

D.Va, Tracer and Reaper - Characters that can get on top of the transforming robot and deal burst damage also do well against Bastion if they're not the only threat it's dealing with at the time.

Heroes It Is Strong Against

Winston - Bastion can eat away at Winston's health, even at close range, and can quickly nullify the gorilla scientist's Barrier Projector.


1. Bastion's lack of mobility makes him a good target for almost any character.

2. Don't use its Self-Repair ability unless you're in a safe spot or flanked by teammates who can offer protection.

3. When the aim is to defend a particular spot, Bastion is one of the best choices for stationary defenders.

4. When it's not in turret form, Bastion is a lot like Soldier: 76.

5. Bastion can fire bullets in a near-perfect line. Complement this by setting up long sight lines that many heroes can't shoot back from.

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