It has arrived.
After months of rumors and media coverage, Apple has finally unveiled the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus and the Apple Watch. Most of the rumors were on the money, though getting concrete details about the improved screens and cameras was helpful.
So what do people think about Apple's latest product line-up? Let's take a look at what the Twitterverse is saying.
The internet is not designed for Apple days
— Joshua Topolsky (@joshuatopolsky) September 9, 2014
Bloomberg's tech editor speaks truth to the situation, with Apple's video stream of the event performing terribly for the first hour.
If anyone has a chance to make wireless payments a Thing, it's Apple. It's persuading stores AND online companies to accept ApplePay. — David Pogue (@Pogue) September 9, 2014
The tech reporter for Yahoo on the chance that Apple will make mobile purchasing mainstream.
I'd rather have the phone be thicker with more battery life.
— Chris Dixon (@cdixon) September 9, 2014
The tech entrepreneur and partner at investment firm Andreessen Horowitz says what many techies may be thinking.
Waking up to hear the news that the iPhone 6 has 128 GB has me saying OMG like: — KATY PERRY (@katyperry) September 9, 2014
The singer and twitter-phenom, with over 56 million followers, lets her tech geek out.
I think Apple just cannibalized my next iPad Mini upgrade by releasing the iPhone 6 Plus. — Charlie Stross (@cstross) September 9, 2014
The novelist and futurist put a spotlight on a flaw in Apple's iPhone 6 strategy.
"We have one more thing" says Tim Cook... here it comes... — Nick Bilton (@nickbilton) September 9, 2014
The tech author makes the emotion beyond those five words palpable.
Jony Ive: The smartest man who tilts his head like a dog that doesn’t understand your words. — Anil Dash (@anildash) September 9, 2014
Tech entrepreneur and writer for Wired makes an observation on Apple's video.
I have to say, the watch and the various buckles are stunning. — Farhad Manjoo (@fmanjoo) September 9, 2014
The New York Times writer notes the fashion-sense of the Apple Watch.
No mention of Apple Watch battery life. Cook mentioned it's easy to charge at night. That implies charging EVERY night -- hopefully no more. — Tim Stevens (@Tim_Stevens) September 9, 2014
The CNET editor notes a glaring error in the presentation on the Apple Watch.
Basically the iWatch is a hand-drawn dick messenger? — Felicia Day (@feliciaday) September 9, 2014
The actress and Geek & Sundry founder criticizes the drawing app included on the phone.
It isn’t like Apple to announce a product and make you wait for it. They could miss some crucial holiday sales #applewatch #AppleLive — Jessica Dolcourt (@jdolcourt) September 9, 2014
This tech writer mentions another strange decision on Apple's part for the Watch.
I bet this is the first time U2 has ever performed for a crowd of people who are furiously typing on their laptops. — Will Smith (@willsmith) September 9, 2014
The tech writer and tester from speaks to the ludicrous nature of having U2 perform for bloggers.
So excited for the Apple Watch. For centuries, we’ve checked the time by looking at our phones. Having it on your wrist? Genius. #AppleLive — Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) September 9, 2014
And the comedienne and TV show host brings a little humor to the Apple Watch announcement.