Word came earlier today that the former Xbox One exclusive Quantum Break would also be coming to PC, with those who purchase the game on Xbox One digitally receiving a free, additional copy of the game for use on PC as well.
More gamers get to play the game, and Xbox owners get two copies of it for the price of one. Sounds like a win all around, right?
Well, not for some Xbox One owners who feel like the game's arrival on an additional platform cheapens their console purchase. Shortly after the announcement, some angry Xbox fans lashed out to Xbox boss Phil Spencer on Twitter.
But whereas most executives would ignore the criticism, Spencer addressed it head on in a series of tweets.
@The_CrapGamer You cancelled a pre-order for a game you want to play because someone else get's to play the game on Windows?
— Phil Spencer (@XboxP3) February 11, 2016
@The_CrapGamer I think u know how much I respect our hardcore Xbox fans. And I understand your passion. Making Xbox great is a big priority. — Phil Spencer (@XboxP3) February 11, 2016
Some of the anger comes from Microsoft not being upfront about the game coming to PC, waiting a mere two months before launch to announce it, while others seem to be angry over the fact that Microsoft has focused lately on unifying the Xbox and PC platforms. It's worth pointing out that the Twitter user who started much of the discussion, The_CrapGamer, runs a gaming-oriented YouTube channel and claims to be one of the site's most "controversial" YouTube personalities. In that light, it makes a little more sense why he may wish to draw so much attention to himself by fanning the fanboy flames.
It's not all bad news, however. After the criticism, more than a few fans tweeted out to Spencer in support.
@QuattroDuo Thanks for the support.
— Phil Spencer (@XboxP3) February 11, 2016
@TheAnchormanV @Thecheekybrit Focusing on the quality of @QuantumBreak is great, game is really special. — Phil Spencer (@XboxP3) February 11, 2016
It's all just another example of fanboys being fanboys. You might think that a game coming to more platforms and being available for more players would be a good thing, and you would be right. But for those who feel overly attached to one gaming brand over another, having less ammunition to use against the opposition seems to be a major point of anger.