Most Star Wars: The Force Awakens fans have already started following the hilarious EmoKyloRen on Twitter, but he's not the only character from the film making an appearance on social media.
Now, two other characters are on the social media site, including the Very Lonely Luke Skywalker and Han Solo.
And this Han Solo is obviously the real deal, because the user behind Han's tweets somehow managed to get a fictional character verified on the site.
Very Lonely Luke spends much of his time thinking about his past mistakes and what life has been like as a hermit since he failed in preventing his nephew, Ben, aka Kylo Ren, from going to the dark side.
Luke often discusses his daddy issues:
When I face a tough choice, I ask myself, "What would my dad do?" Probably kill a bunch of Padawans. I should find a new role model.
— Very Lonely Luke (@VeryLonelyLuke) January 3, 2016
He also delves into life on the planet, where he's probably the sole occupant.
Staring at the ocean isn't always the same. One time I thought I saw something. It turned out to be nothing. It was an exciting day. — Very Lonely Luke (@VeryLonelyLuke) January 4, 2016
So why did Luke leave his family and friends behind? Maybe it had nothing to do with Ben (Kylo Ren) at all:
Every time I screwed up, someone would say, "Use the Force, Luke." Then everyone would laugh at me. And people wonder why I ran away.
— Very Lonely Luke (@VeryLonelyLuke) January 4, 2016
Meanwhile, Han Solo is tweeting about his adventures. As expected, some of Han's tweets are NSFW. Han contemplates his failures as a parent:
That moment when you leave your son with his uncle for thirty years without checking in on him — Han Solo (@HanSoloFA) January 4, 2016
New years resolution? Send my kid to boarding school. BOOM. Talk about a RESOLUTION. — Han Solo (@HanSoloFA) January 1, 2016
He also thinks a lot about Luke, who, as we know, has gone missing.
Wow, I just love spending the holidays together with my brother in law that I can't find @VeryLonelyLuke
— Han Solo (@HanSoloFA) January 1, 2016