There are many messaging apps out there, but Viber is the only one allowing you to delete a message from any device. Yes, even from your recipient's handset.
Most of us had that dazed and confused weekend night when we came home after having one too many and decided that it was a good idea to inappropriately text half of our phone contacts. Even if the mature thing is not to send such messages ever, the option to erase them and pretend like you never did is a welcomed second-best.
The latest update to Viber, which takes the app to the 5.6.5 version, can help remedy such moments of weakness. One of the greatest things about the deletion feature is that, if you are fast enough, the recipient might not even get to read the message at all.
The messaging app competes with larger names, such as WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger, but it still has a growing user base on iOS and Android alike. Both ecosystems received the update that permits users to delete formerly sent messages which users suddenly decide are never meant to be seen, even from the recipient's phone.
Our new update means you can erase your sent messages from ANY device
— Viber (@Viber) November 24, 2015
The update also brought other improved functionalities: iOS and Android users can now attach files to their conversations. This means that Viber could be used for some work purposes as well by sending out documents, presentation or graph on the fly.
iOS 9 users get the long end of the stick in the form of interactive notifications. These finally permit Apple device owners to reply to messages without actually opening the app. Another function added to the iOS version of Viber is the Spotlight Search, which helps users discover specific contacts and conversations. iOS users were somewhat privileged by Viber's developers, as they were already able to send images and videos from iCloud.
The latest version of Viber, ready to be downloaded, can be found on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. If you're already a Viber user, updating it is easy-peasy: all you need to do is launch the Play Store, toggle the hamburger menu by swiping in from the left-hand side of the screen, choose My Apps, tap Viber, then repeat the tap on the update button.
Congratulations, you can now rewrite history!
The deletion function works for older messages too, so if you ever sent some pictures to your ex and regretted afterwards, this might be your saving.