CultureXbox’s NEW Patent Allows Digital-Only Consoles Play Disc Games! Here’s How it Works Xbox’s new patent allows digital-only consoles to play disc games as well. Here’s how it plans to do it:by Teejay Boris
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Culture‘Silent Hill’ Leaks: Konami is Reportedly Developing Four New Games for the Famous Horror Franchiseby Isaiah Richard
CultureWarner Bros. New ‘MultiVersus' Game Features Game of Thrones, Scooby Doo & More!by Joaquin Victor Tacla
CultureWorld Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2022: Focuses on the Ageing Population in a Digital Worldby April Fowell
ScienceMIT's New Self-Rearranging Space Station Revealed; Will TESSERAE Be Better Than ISS?by Griffin Davis
TechHow To Repair Corrupted PST and OST Files by 3 Different Solutions: Microsoft Outlook Repair Tool and Moreby Thea Felicity
FAA Does Business With SpaceX, Starts Testing Starlink Terminal Testing Despite Existing Verizon Deal