TechNO GEN Z ALLOWED: Apple COVID-19 Screening Tool Excludes Ages Under 18 - Why Is That? Everyone is prone to Coronavirus. However, Apple restricted their newly-created COVID-19 app to ages 18 and above. Why is that?by Jamie P.
ScienceAtlas V Rocket Successfully Launch Despite Coronavirus Danger-- Making the US Space Force's First Operationby Jamie P.
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TechEdible Lego House: Kickstarter Startup Makes Waffle Iron That Shapes Breakfast to Lego Pieces!by Jamie P.
TechNew Mexico, Texas, and Arizona Got a Warm and Humid Weather to Thank For Fewer COVID-19 Cases - Studyby Christine Roger
ScienceNOT BATS?: Pangolin Viruses May Have 'Missing Link' With Coronavirus But Experts Say Otherwiseby Jamie P.
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CultureG-Max Moves Leak: Pokemon Sword and Shield Trailer Might Have Revealed a Bit Too Muchby Urian B.
CultureLet The Wedding Begin! Gearbox Software's Guns, Love and Tentacles DLC Brings Borderlands 3 to a Whole New Level on PS4, Xbox One, and PCby Urian B.