ScienceIs it a mouse? A miniscule elephant? New mammal discovered in Africa Tiny mouse-like creature known as a shrew shows surprising genetic similarities to one of the world's largest animals, the elephant. New species was found in the deserts of Namibia in Jim Algar
ScienceSpiders tune-up webs to communicate, assess caught prey and check out potential matesby Jim Algar
ScienceModern day diminutive Kiwi and extinct giant Madagascar elephant bird are cousins: DNA study shocks paleontologistsby Jim Algar
ScienceSay hi to Paratarsotomus macropalpis, the world's fastest land animal ... but you'll need a magnifying glassby Jim Algar
ScienceNeotrogla females have penis, can have sex for up to 70 hours: Discovery of Brazilian insect stuns scientistsby Jim Algar