TechEurovision Winner Raised $900K to Provide Drones for Ukraine Armed Forces Eurovision winner Kalush Orchestra is donating money that it received from an auction. The proceeds will be used to buy drones for the Ukrainian Joseph Henry
TechApple Continues to Thrive Despite Decline in Smartphone Market Decline Due to Russian Invasionby Sophie Webster
TechRussia use Appliance Parts for its Weapons Says Ukraine—US Sanctions Prevent Access to Proper Techby Isaiah Richard
TechDJI is Gatekeeping Its Drones to Avoid Weaponization—Stops Delivery to Russia and Ukraineby Isaiah Richard
TechRussian Law Firm to Sue Apple for Intentional Moral Damage Due to the Shutdown of Apple Payby Sophie Webster
TechSandworm Hackers Resurface After Half a Decade Attempting to Pull Off a Third Blackout in Ukraineby Urian B.
TechUkraine to Use Drones to Surveil Russia Through Donations from Come Back Alive Non-Profitby Isaiah Richard
TechBacks against the wall, war-torn creators turn to Tango for a voice and livelihoodby David Thompson
TechFinland Falls Victim to Cyberattacks and Airspace Breach, Ministry of Defense Saidby Sophie Webster