TechUK cinemas ban Google Glass due to film piracy concerns UK cinemas have ruled their theaters out of bounds for the use of Google Glass. The bans would help prevent the piracy of Quinten Plummer
Healthy Living/WellnessUK watchdog urges public, cooks not to wash raw chicken. Here's whyby Anu Passary
Healthy Living/WellnessAll time high: 3.2 million people in Britain diagnosed with diabetesby Anu Passary
ScienceBarrel jellyfish invades beach of Portland, Weymouth and you can expect for more of these giantsby Alexander Saltarin
Healthy Living/WellnessUK woman's belly button explodes on a plane. Thanks to sketchy tummy tuckby Rhodi Lee
Healthy Living/WellnessUK's child mortality shocks researchers, 3,800 under-five deaths in 2013by Rhodi Lee
Healthy Living/WellnessTrue blood? Scientists produce artificial human blood using stem cellsby Rhodi Lee