Tech5G Vodafone Report Says It Will Bring in Billions to UK Manufacturing Sector Vodafone 5G reports call companies and people alike to support its private 5G network for the possible nationwide shift to 5G. More to the story Alec G.
HealthDepartment of Health Probe by UK Information Commissioner Launched Due to Private Emails Used for Alleged Official Businessby Urian B.
TechNexperia To Acquire UK's Largest Chip Manufacturer For $87 Million—Chinese Acquisition Leads To National Security Concern?by Griffin Davis
HealthIvermectin, a Livestock Parasite Drug, Undergoes Trial as COVID-19 Treatment in the UKby Teejay Boris
TechBritain Pushes Through Various Crypto Curbs – Gives Warning To Unregistered Crypto Companies?by Fran Sanders
TechUK Emergency Alert System's Loud Sirens Target Android Phones, Even When They're In Silent Mode—Here's Whyby Griffin Davis
TechTesla Model 3 Police Car Could Allow UK Save More Money and Test Its Emergency Vehicle Marketby Griffin Davis
TechCanon AI in China Offices Tackles Workplace Morale by Requiring Employees to Smile Before Entering Roomsby Sophie Webster
TechPrometheus Ransomware Targets US, UK, and 12 More Countries—It Can Kill Backup Files and MORE!by Griffin Davis
TechEU and UK Start First Antitrust Investigation on Facebook and its Control on Classified Adsby Teejay Boris
TechGoogle Career Certificates Launched in the UK to Help People Grow Their Digital Skillsby Sophie Webster