CultureSony Unveils Glacier White PlayStation 4 Pro As Part Of Limited Edition 'Destiny 2' Bundle Sony unveiled the Glacier White PlayStation 4 Pro as part of a limited edition bundle featuring 'Destiny 2.' The bundle, which costs $449.99, is now open for preorder and will launch alongside the first-person shooter on Sept. Aaron Mamiit
CultureSony Adds Twenty PlayStation 4 Games To Its Netflix-Style PlayStation Now Serviceby Eric Brackett
CultureSony Takes Down Official 'Anthem' Trailer For PlayStation 4 After Massive Criticism Over Edited Xbox One X Buttonsby Aaron Mamiit
CultureSony Explains Why It's Against Cross-Platform Play Between PlayStation 4 And Xbox One: Microsoft Fires Backby Aaron Mamiit
CultureE3 2017: Some Of The Best Trailers From Nintendo, Sony, And Microsoft You Shouldn't Missby Vincent Lanaria
CultureMicrosoft Wants To Connect Xbox Live And PSN: Will Sony Say Yes For Cross-Platform Play?by Carl Velasco
CultureSony Thanks Fans With 1 TB Gold PS4, Game Discounts, And More Via Days Of Play Eventby Carl Velasco
TechSony Sells More Than 1 Million PlayStation VRs, Surpassing HTC Vive And Oculus Riftby Steve Bowman
CulturePlayStation 4 Backward Compatibility Will Likely Never Happen, According To Sony Exec's Controversial Commentsby Aaron Mamiit