Sony Adds Twenty PlayStation 4 Games To Its Netflix-Style PlayStation Now Service

PlayStation Now's library has reached new heights with the addition of 20 PlayStation 4 titles, increasing the number of games to more than 500.

PlayStation Now

PlayStation Now is basically Sony's version of Netflix for video games. The services allows gamers to stream PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4 games to their PS4 and even PC.

The services includes popular multiplatform titles such as Batman: Arkham Knight and PlayStation exclusives such as God of War and The Last of Us.

In terms of pricing, Sony has brought back an introductory price of $9.99 a month, but that deal only lasts for the first month. After that point, users will be required to pay the standard monthly fee of $19.99. For those who really enjoy the service, Sony is also offering a yearly subscription which will cost $99.99. The upfront cost is a lot of money, but, for those who are planning on using the service long term, it is a good deal considering that it works out to less than $9 a month. Those interested in the offers will need to act fast because it is only valid through Sept. 22.

PlayStation Plus

One thing that gamers need to keep in mind is that Sony actually offers two separate subscription services for PlayStation owners. The first is, of course, PlayStation Now which we've explained above. The second is a more conventional service called PlayStation Plus. This service does not offer video game streaming but is mainly used for online multiplayer similar to Microsoft's Xbox Live.

In addition to the online multiplayer, PlayStation Plus also offers access to exclusive discounts in the PlayStation Store and a selection of free games each month.

The two services are not packaged together so users wanting both will have to pay for PlayStation Plus and PlayStation Now separately.

PlayStation 4 On PS Now

As of right now, there are 20 games available on PlayStation Now. One thing that should be noted is that none of the games on this list are new releases, so this service may not be for everyone.

Sony said that it has worked out agreements with numerous publishers to ensure that PlayStation Now will be fully supported in the future. While no specific games have been announced, Sony announced that more PS4 games are coming. Currently available PS4 games can be seen below:

  • Killzone Shadow Fall
  • God of War 3 Remastered
  • Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
  • WWE 2K16
  • Tropico 5
  • Ultra Street Fighter IV
  • F1 2015
  • Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
  • Evolve
  • MX vs ATV Supercross Encore
  • Resogun
  • Helldivers
  • Broken Age
  • Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition
  • Grim Fandango Remastered
  • Akiba's Beat
  • Castlestorm Definitive Edition
  • Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
  • Nidhogg
  • Super Mega Baseball
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