TechMotorola To Roll Out 'ShatterShield' Technology To Full Line Of Smartphones Motorola President Rick Osterloh revealed the company will feature ShatterShield in more of its devices to address the common issue of cracked Lauren Keating
TechConsumer Reports Disproves 'Chipgate,' Finds No Difference In iPhone 6s Battery Lifeby Lauren Keating
TechBLU Studio Energy 2 And Energy X: Budget-Friendly Smartphones With Massive 5,000mAh Batteriesby Anu Passary
Healthy Living/WellnessYour Smartphone Knows When You're Depressed, Can Help Detect Bipolar Disorderby Lauren Keating
TechBlackBerry CEO Says Company May Rethink Handsets If They're Not Profitable Next Yearby Laura Rosenfeld