ScienceSecond giant crater found in Siberia: Looks neither manmade nor natural, expert says Remote region of Siberia starting to look like Swiss cheese with discovery of two more mysterious craters with deep holes, researchers say. Scientists remain baffled as to their Jim Algar
ScienceMysterious appearance of giant hole - 80 meters wide - in 'end of the world' Siberia baffles boffinsby Rhodi Lee
ScienceCrater forms in Siberia 260 feet across - what caused the hole at the end of the world?by James Maynard
ScienceNative Americans and Siberians on Beringia land bridge may have shared common language 10,000 years agoby James Maynard
ScienceDiscovery of 30,000-year old giant virus in Siberian ice is no sci-fi horror movie plot. It's REALby Alex Saltarin