TechSamsung Galaxy S6 may sport 4K display, 4GB RAM, Snapdragon 810 chip The next iteration of the Samsung flagship smartphone Galaxy S5 i.e. the Galaxy S6, is anticipated to tout a 4K display. Rumors also hint at the smartphone housing a Snapdragon 810 chip and 4GB of Anu Passary
TechSamsung Galaxy Note 4 stock limited, sold out at Best Buy, Amazon, Costco, AT&T, Verizon and Sprintby James Geddes
TechNew Samsung Galaxy Note 4 discount deal lowers price: T-Mobile, Sprint, Verizon, AT&T, Best Buy - which to choose?by James Geddes
TechSamsung Galaxy A3 (SM-A300H/DS) with 64-bit processor and dual SIM slot passes through the FCCby James Geddes
TechSamsung Galaxy Note 4 Developer Edition: Verizon release coming soon, same specs, better deal, and lower priceby James Geddes
TechAndroid 5.0 Lollipop update schedule: Find out when and if your smartphone will get itby James Geddes
TechSamsung Galaxy S5 Plus (SM-G901F) now appearing on Samsung site with upgraded Snapdragon 805 processorby James Geddes
TechSamsung Galaxy Note 4 new deals and discounts: AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular, and Best Buyby James Geddes
TechSprint Samsung Galaxy Note Edge (SM-N915P) with curved display passes through FCC ahead of releaseby James Geddes