Car TechGM going downhill? Automaker adds 2.42 million vehicles to record recall list GM continues to recall vehicles, bringing the total this year to 13.5 million. That's four times as many cars sold in the U.S. Joseph Mayton
Healthy Living/WellnessE-cigarettes decrease a body's bacteria-fighting ability, claims new studyby Judy Mottl
Healthy Living/WellnessAntimicrobial in soaps, toothpaste, shampoos promotes growth of Staph in human throats and noses: Studyby Lori Sandoval
Healthy Living/WellnessFDA designates Novartis' Bexsero vaccine for Meningitis B as breakthrough therapyby Lori Sandoval
Heidi Klum Truly Scrumptious baby travel system gets 'dont' buy' rating from Consumer Reportsby staff reporter