ScienceAI May Take Inspiration From Honeybees Due to Instantaneous Reactions, Decision-Making Bees and other insects have been discovered to have great decision making coupled with swift reaction time, which could be integrated into future versions of Artificial Fei Ruby
ScienceScientists Develop Human Embryo-Like Model, Mimicking Aspects of 2nd Week Human Developmentby Inno Flores
HealthResearchers Develop New Method to Trigger Effective Long-Lasting Anti-Cancer Responseby Inno Flores
TechGoogle Play App 'iRecorder' Allow Phones to Record Nearby Audio Users Without Consentby Inno Flores
TechConsistent Demand for Data Centre Services Continues to Drive Growth Across Asia Pacificby Jessel Renolayan
TechCounterpoint Research Says Apple Has ‘Highest Stickiness for Any Smartwatch Brand'by Joseph Henry
Chatbots Are Still 'Hallucinating' With Misinformation, And It Is Time to Rely on Real News Instead of AI