Feds Looking Into 4Chan Thread Potentially Tied To Oregon College Shooting A thread on 4chan seemed to announce the Umpqua Community College massacre a day before it happened. The FBI is now looking for connections between the shooter and an anonymous social media user.by Horia Ungureanu
CultureYoung Oregon Fan Devastated About Marcus Mariota Leaving, Gets Recorded Message From Quarterbackby Mark Lelinwalla
ScienceOregon Town Tries Using Fake Orca To Scare Away Sea Lions - The World's First Scaresealion?by James Maynard
Healthy Living/WellnessUnited Airlines Flight Kicks Off Family Due To Autistic Daughter: Case Of Fear Of Autism And Lack Of Training?by Rhodi Lee
ScienceFrom 1,000 In 1993 To 140,000 Today: Oregon Minnow Is First Fish Off Fed's Endangered Species Listby Judy Mottl